Last day to turn in Winter Read Program reading logs!

Please if you have a young person participating in the Winter Read Program all reading time logs need to be turned in by 7:00 pm on Friday March 7. It is the last day to get the raffle tickets for the raffle prize(s) of the young people’s choice.

Winter Read Program Ending Pizza Party!

Please join us as we enjoy talking about what we have been reading, eat pizza and pull the winners of the raffle prizes! If you wish to attend please let us know by registering, so we can have enough pizza on hand for everyone. You can register by email:, by phone (607)583-4426, or stop in the library during open hours.  All ages are welcome!

Family Bingo has been postponed from March 1 to March 15 at 1:00 pm. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Quilt up for Raffle

The Benedek Memorial Library is raffling off a small quilt (baby blanket or lap blanket). Tickets are a dollar donation per ticket. Drawing is on Thursday, February 27, 2025. Proceeds will be used for Bingo prizes. Stop in this week to get in on the raffle!

Winner of the quilt is Nancy M. Congratulations! Thank you to all who participated and helped us raise funds for Bingo prizes. Next Family Bingo is March 15 at 1:00pm!

2025 Winter Read Program!

Young People Help the Library find Homes for the Pocket Pals!

February 10 – March 8

Pocket Pals have come out of the books to look for a friend to adopt them and care for them. Won’t you bring your young person to adopt a pocket pal to “feed” by reading to them?

The Benedek Memorial Library’s Winter Read Program for school age students ages 5 – 17 will begin on February 10th. When you stop in to register for the program, you will adopt your Pocket Pal and be given a reading log on which you will write down your reading times.  To take care of the Pocket Pal young people need to read for 30 minutes a day through the 4 weeks of the program. Bring the log with you each time you visit the library for certification.  You will be rewarded a brag tag and a raffle ticket for every two hours of reading. Young people can pick which raffle prize they want to try for. All reading logs need to be submitted by March 7 for verification. Raffle prizes will be drawn on March 8. Every Saturday there will be a drop in craft for all ages to try from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm.

Winter Read Raffles

Please see below the raffle prizes available for the participants of the Winter Read Program. Participants earn raffle tickets for every two hours they read. Participants can earn tickets up to 14 hours of reading.

#12 AF

#3 KS

#14 LF

#15 MF

#6 AB

#7 ZT

#8 LT

#9 AS


#20 CW

Thank you to the Friends of the Benedek Memorial Library for supporting the Winter Read program.

Mobile Center Meets Thursdays at 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Early Literacy Center (children’s room),

Mobile Family Resource Center Coordinator–

Working with children and families is inspiring and something I love doing! Being there for support, a friend, helping hand when needed, and most of all providing a space for families to enjoy, connect, be silly, learn, laugh, play and grow is the joy that fills my heart!

WHAT IS A Family resource center (FRC)

Family Resource Centers (FRC) offer early and comprehensive support for parents and caregivers of young children.

Family Resource Center programs are based on the needs of families, and services are provided in collaboration with community members.

FRC programs emphasize building strengths and abilities in order to maximize the capacity of
families to raise healthy children and contribute to their communities.

We are Fine Free!

The Benedek Memorial Library has gone fine free! Do you hate when you thought you brought an item back to the library, and you find it is still in your home? You know it is late, but you are afraid of the late fines that may have incurred. Relax; all of us have made mistakes. Bring the item back and do not worry about late fines. We no longer have late fines. If you feel that you should make amends for keeping the items too long, you can make a donation (small or large) to the library. Any donations made helps us to be able to add programming and new items to our collection. Enjoy our collection; take items out without worry of late fines. Just do not keep the items too long. After an item goes four weeks beyond the due date, your account will be billed for the item. If you get billed, your account will be blocked from use by all the libraries in the Southern Tier Library System. To get unblocked bring the items back to the library or you can arrange to take care of the funds due. If you pay the bills, the library will be able to replace the items. Don’t stress out, come to the Benedek Memorial Library and enjoy the collections.

Welcome to the Benedek Memorial Library!

Welcome to the Savona Free Library website. If you are coming to our website you are looking for information on the library. You can find our hours, events, what is new to our collection, access your account, order items to pick up at the library and many other things about the library. But when you think about a library what is the first thing that comes to mind? If you are like many other Americans it would be physical books. While we do have a collection of books there is so much more to libraries these days than just physical books. We have computers and public WI-FI hot spots available for public use. We also lend out audio books on CD, music CDs, movies and television shows on DVD. Coming soon, there will be Kindle Fire tablets to borrow. All of these items are available at the library, but right now you are in cyber space. Guess what, you can still borrow from the library. Just put your pointer on “E-Library” and click to find out. Remember the library is much more than just a place to find books. We offer many other items for borrowing and many different services to the public, through your Savona Free Library card or any library card in the Southern Tier Library System. Also you can access the library not only during the days the library is open, but even when the library is physically closed. Need a book to help you to fall asleep at 2:00 am? Down load a digital book and start reading. Need to get authoritative information for a research project due real soon, check out our databases for articles from many different sources. Look around, try something new, the Savona Free Library is available for your entertainment and informational needs.

Benedek Memorial Library Dogs:  Austin, Ruby and Slim